Please read carefully before using this site. This site is owned and

operated by Vancouver Wizard Wheels ltd together with its subsidiaries

and affiliates (collectively “we”, “us” or “our”). By using this site, you

signify your agreement to the privacy policy and terms of use. If you do

not agree with these terms, Please do not use this site. We reserve the

right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of

these terms at any time. Please check periodically for changes. Your

continued use of this site following the posting of changes to these

terms will signify your acceptance of the revised terms. They were last

updated January 21 2022.



Vancouver Wizard Wheels ltd is responsible to protect all personal

information under its control or transferred to third party for

processing. Your privacy is important to us.


Whenever personal information is collected by Vancouver Wizard

Wheels, We will identify why the information is collected and how it

will be used. We will not use it for any other purpose than states at

time of collection.

*Guaranteeing a reservation

*Improving guest services & preferences

*Informing you of services or products that may interest you


The type of information we collect from you relates to your reservation

or potential booking with us. This may include : name, date of birth,

email address, mailing address, cellphone numbers and credit card

information (only when making a reservation).

If you send US personal correspondence such as emails or letters, we

will collect such information into a file specific to you.


Your consent will be obtained either in person, through writing, email,

telephone, or the internet. Sometimes consent may be implied (e.g.

when transferring relevant information to a booking or Third Party

Transaction processing partner).

Vancouver Wizard Wheels ltd may ask for written or verbal

confirmation that the information collected and maintained is accurate

and that your consent is still provided to maintain this information.

Under certain circumstances Vancouver Wizard Wheels ltd will need to

disclose your personal information without your consent, this may


Emergency or life threatening situation

Where required by local & provincial law

Where required by law enforcement, legal investigation or a

regulatory body


Information collected will only be used for the purpose outlined

at the time of collection. Vancouver Wizard Wheels will not

indiscriminately collect or maintain personal information on its

guests or employees


Vancouver Wizard Wheels ltd does not disclose your personal

information for any purposes other than those for which it was

originally collected, unless we have first obtained consent from

you, personal information will be maintained in an accurate, up

to date and complete format as is necessary and reasonably

practical to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected


Vancouver Wizard Wheels protects your personal information

by security safeguards, which are appropriate to the sensitivity

of the information. These include Information technology

security such as restricted access to specific programs, which

are firewalls and software security


You can visit our websites without telling us who you are or

revealing any personal information, including your email


Vancouver’s Wizard Wheels goal in collecting personal

information online is to continually improve the content of our

web sites and to offer guests tours that best meet their

preferences and desires.

Wizard wheels reserves the right to change this policy at any

time. This policy is not intended to and does not create any

Contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of ant party. By

using the Wizard Wheels website, you signify your agreement

with the terms of our privacy policy.

Vancouver Wizard Wheels web sites include links to third party

sites that are not governed by our privacy policy. Once you

leave a Wizard Wheels site we will not be responsible for other

companies privacy practices. We Suggest you review their

policy before providing personal information on these sites.

What are you waiting for?